Industrial Design
Industrial Design

Industrial Design

We will design a modern device enclosure according to production and cost requirements
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Every project shall have the prospective device design elaborated and the best layout solutions selected. To develop a design project, we apply a comprehensive approach which takes into account all the requirements and initial terms, select high quality components and materials considering the product cost threshold and producibility of parts. To ensure high quality and promptness of design development, our engineers use CAD/CAE software which supports end-to-end design technique.

Product design development steps

  1. Formulation of digital device terms of reference, device requirements specification based on applicable national and industry standards
  2. Design project development and selection
  3. Selected design project elaboration and approval
  4. Electronic unit based device prototyping and functional prototype approval
  5. Development of an engineering project and product design documents

In the end you will get a full package of design documents, including the electronic unit.

Industrial design by Unic Lab 

  • Designing enclosures ready for low- and high-volume production
  • Designing enclosures with project specific IP rating
  • Designing antenna systems
  • Designing fittings and accessories
  • Designing LCDs
  • Producibility assessment
  • Mechanical strength and vibration resistance computation
  • Thermal performance computation


  • Moulded plastic enclosures and structure elements
  • Light alloy enclosures, fittings and accessories
  • Metal sheet enclosures
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